Sunday, March 15, 2009

Media Convergence

is a "phenomenon involving the interlocking of computing and information technology companies, telecommunications networks, and content providers from the publishing worlds of newspapers, magazines, music, radio, television, films, and entertainment software. Media convergence brings together the “three Cs”—computing, communications, and content." - read this Encyclopedia Britannica article to learn more.

For starters, go to the post below, What can Red Nose Day tell us about media convergence at the BBC:

1. Explore the website and list as many examples of media convergence as you can. Discuss them with a friend.

2. How new is convergence? To really understand convergence, you have to know when these changes to the media have happened. This will help you understand how convergence has affected your case study radio institution, the BBC. Watch the powerpoint presentation on media convergence and take notes.

3. Look back at the BBC Radio One website. Using your notes on recent changes in the media, identify how media convergence is used by Radio One. (Hint - start by looking at the stripey black topbar menu).
4. For each example you have found, figure out with your partner why you think these media are being used together and what the effect is:
a. How does it help the BBC to target its Radio One listeners?
b. How does it affect the experience of listeners (how are they accessing Radio One content? are they interacting with it? when, where and how are they listening?) (Hint: have a look at Radio One's how to listen page)

Homework - next step in your research project:
Create a slide or section on convergence in your presentation about your chosen radio station. Compare how your station and radio one are affected by convergence: Is there any difference? Does your station make any interesting uses of convergence to reach its audience?

What should I have learnt and have in my notes by the end of this lesson?
  • A definition of convergence that I can use myself
  • Notes on the history of convergence
  • A study of how convergence is affecting the BBC
  • How convergence is affecting Radio One
  • How convergence is affecting Radio One audiences
  • A comparison of how convergence is affecting the radio station in my independent study
Key terms: convergence, technology, consumption

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